• 新闻公告  >  Server Upgrade

17 January 2025,02:05

Server Upgrade新闻公告

Server and PAMM Portal Upgrade Notice

17 January 2025, 02:05

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Dear Valued Client,

PU Prime will be upgrading its MT4/MT5 servers and PAMM Portal on the following dates and times:

  • 18 January 2025 00:00 hrs. (GMT+2) to 03:00 hrs. (GMT+2)
  • 18 January 2025 07:00 hrs. (GMT+2) to 12:00 hrs. (GMT+2)

Access to MT4/MT5 Live and Demo accounts including through PU Prime Apps and PU Copy Trading and PAMM Portal will not be available during the server upgrading period.
All orders will not be executed during the server upgrading period.

Deposit, withdrawal, data searching functions and account opening applications would still be available.

We recommend clients make proper arrangements in advance.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team via Live Chat, email: [email protected] or phone +248 4373 105.



  • スタンダード口座では、50 $ からのご入金でお取引を開始できます。
  • 24 時間 365 日のサポートにアクセスすることが可能です。
  • 何百もの商品、無料の教育ツール、そしてお得なキャンペーンにアクセスできます。

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