
About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

CFD Rollover Notice for November

Dear Valued Client, Please be advised that the following CFD instruments will be automatically rolled over as per the dates in the table below. As there can be a pricing difference between old and new futures contracts, we recommend clients to monitor their positions closely and manage positions accordingly. Expiration dates: *All hours are providedContinue Reading

U.S. Midterm Elections Ahead

What You Need to Know Asian markets are on the upsurge, especially the Hong Kong market, which climbed more than 11% in November. The Sterling will suffer as the BoE has turned its focus from inflation to saving its negative economic outlook, which will drive the market to sell off more pounds. Meanwhile, the U.S.Continue Reading

U.S. Midterm Elections Underway

After weeks of campaigning, the 2022 U.S. midterm elections are set to be held on 8th November, Tuesday.  With inflation in full swing and multiple signals of an impending recession, it looks the economy – more specifically the cost of living – might decide who the winning party is. All 435 House seats and 35Continue Reading

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