
About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

MT4 Server Version Upgrade Notice

Dear Valued Client, PU Prime would like to launch MT4 Server Version Upgrade to the latest version of “build 1353” on July 2 MT4 Server Time (GMT+3) to provide a better and more reliable trading environment. Please make sure your MT4 trading platform is up to date with version 1353 after July 2nd, 2022. YouContinue Reading

Powell Raises “Unconditional” Commitment to Battling Inflation

Fighting rampant inflation has become the Fed’s main objective, and Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s words to the US House Financial Services Committee during his semi-annual testimony might have sparked more than a few fears about a recession. Specifically, it means that the Fed might be ready to cause increased unemployment or even a recession –Continue Reading

Join Us at The Global Economic Insights and Current Trends Seminar in Seoul, Korea

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